“When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.” - Tecumseh

Sweetwater Trading Company reaches for the heart of traditional homestead techniques to create pure, sustainable products & meals with ethical and environmental impact in mind. With a long term vision focused on the stewardship of the planet as well as the community, it is our goal to operate in a sustainable, eco-friendly way and hope to inspire others to do the same. As a third generation Italian-American from New Jersey, Chef Christine Molinari takes great pride as a female business owner and hopes to leverage 19 years of professional culinary expertise to provide her friends, family and community with simple, natural products tenderly hand crafted in small batches with ingredients you can pronounce. In a modern world with far too many single use products, sustainable and self-reliant ways of living are more important than ever. With these ideals as motivation, every process, product and meal at Sweetwater focuses on zero-waste - which was the only practice hundreds of years ago, but is becoming lost in today’s complex world.

Help Sweetwater Go Green!

Part of Sweetwater Trading Company’s vision is to support business operations on clean, renewable energy - the unfortunate truth about starting a new business is that excess funds don’t come easy! If you would like to make a donation to be committed to Sweetwater’s renewable energy initiative - it would be greatly appreciated and we will happily send all donors a free gift!
